Options & Designs
Most Clipper Canoes can be ordered in any of these five standard colours and the price remains the same.






Ice Blue
The colours of products displayed on our website may differ slightly from their appearance in real life. We recommend considering these factors when making your selections.

Lime Green*

Shrek Green*
*Lime Green and Shrek Green are non-stock colours, and are subject to additional fee.

**Only available for Voyageur Series Big Canoes. Contact us for pricing

We can also match almost any colour – you provide the colour sample. This way we can colour match your new canoe to your new truck! (We’ve done it before!) Whatever colour you choose, be assured that the gelcoat is durable and with proper care and attention, will not fade or blemish.
**Due To Individual Screen Calibration, These Colours, Though Very Close, May Vary Slightly From The Finished Canoe.