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About Us

The CLIPPER brand of canoes are manufactured by Western Canoeing Manufacturing Inc. in Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada (near Vancouver). The company was founded by Marlin and Mary Bayes in 1976, and it has grown steadily ever since. We now are able to offer over 40 different models of canoes for any style of paddling you could imagine. And we ship worldwide.
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Marlin & Mary seem the very definition of “outdoors people”. Marlin is an avid fisherman & hunter and the entire family, along with several friends, go on at least one extended wilderness canoe trip each year – usually more. What better testing ground for our canoes? Mary handles the import/export end of the business while running the retail division. Being situated 5 minutes from the US border sure helps! Marlin’s omnipresence ensures a hands-on approach to most aspects of the enterprise. From very humble beginnings, Western Canoeing & Clipper have grown to an exciting and busy operation.

We’ve branched out from the very “generic” canoes of the early days to the specialized crafts of today. In our stable we have recreational canoes, racing canoes, flatwater tripping canoes, river tripping canoes, Whitewater play boats, an Hawaiian Outrigger, four First Nation Traveling canoes up to 39 feet, multi-person Voyageur-style canoes, solo canoes and family canoes. Just about anything you could ask for…

We lay-up every canoe by hand. This ensures that each canoe gets personal attention from spray-up to buffing. Specializing in composite construction, over the years we’ve found ways to reduce weight while maintaining strength, rigidity, and durability. We use many different styles of fabrics in our canoes including, Fiberglass, Kevlar and occasionally, Carbon fiber. Varying the different combinations, weights, and “weaves” of these fabrics, we’re able to create very different canoes with different strengths, weights & uses, out of the same mold.

Lynne Smith: Lynne has worked for Western Canoeing since 1977. In this time she has seen a great deal of growth and change in the company. She oversees a large sales staff. (We have a sizable retail outlet at our factory location.) Lynne is also the Manager of the Wholesale Order Department. When you call for a Clipper canoe, there is a good chance at some point you’ll talk to Lynne.

Our manufacturing team is dedicated to quality workmanship. From the initial gel coat spray-up to the final buffing, Clipper canoes will pass through many talented hands. Our optional wood trim is as durable as it is aesthetic, and is sculpted by a talented woodworker. We feel that pride in workmanship is as important as pride in ownership. That’s why you’ll be as proud to own your Clipper as we are to produce it. Happy Paddling!

About Us

About Us

The CLIPPER brand of canoes are manufactured by Western Canoeing Manufacturing Inc. in Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada (near Vancouver). The company was founded by Marlin and Mary Bayes in 1976, and it has grown steadily ever since. We now are able to offer over 40 different models of canoes for any style of paddling you could imagine. And we ship worldwide.
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Marlin & Mary seem the very definition of “outdoors people”. Marlin is an avid fisherman & hunter and the entire family, along with several friends, go on at least one extended wilderness canoe trip each year – usually more. What better testing ground for our canoes? Mary handles the import/export end of the business while running the retail division. Being situated 5 minutes from the US border sure helps! Marlin’s omnipresence ensures a hands-on approach to most aspects of the enterprise. From very humble beginnings, Western Canoeing & Clipper have grown to an exciting and busy operation.

We’ve branched out from the very “generic” canoes of the early days to the specialized crafts of today. In our stable we have recreational canoes, racing canoes, flatwater tripping canoes, river tripping canoes, Whitewater play boats, an Hawaiian Outrigger, four First Nation Traveling canoes up to 39 feet, multi-person Voyageur-style canoes, solo canoes and family canoes. Just about anything you could ask for…

We lay-up every canoe by hand. This ensures that each canoe gets personal attention from spray-up to buffing. Specializing in composite construction, over the years we’ve found ways to reduce weight while maintaining strength, rigidity, and durability. We use many different styles of fabrics in our canoes including, Fiberglass, Kevlar and occasionally, Carbon fiber. Varying the different combinations, weights, and “weaves” of these fabrics, we’re able to create very different canoes with different strengths, weights & uses, out of the same mold.

Lynne Smith: Lynne has worked for Western Canoeing since 1977. In this time she has seen a great deal of growth and change in the company. She oversees a large sales staff. (We have a sizable retail outlet at our factory location.) Lynne is also the Manager of the Wholesale Order Department. When you call for a Clipper canoe, there is a good chance at some point you’ll talk to Lynne.

Our manufacturing team is dedicated to quality workmanship. From the initial gel coat spray-up to the final buffing, Clipper canoes will pass through many talented hands. Our optional wood trim is as durable as it is aesthetic, and is sculpted by a talented woodworker. We feel that pride in workmanship is as important as pride in ownership. That’s why you’ll be as proud to own your Clipper as we are to produce it. Happy Paddling!