Load it up with 1300 lbs of gear and you will have 7” of freeboard.
The MacKenzie 16.5 works great with an outboard in the 2 to 3HP range. It’s a natural with an electric motor up to 48 or 60 thrust. For solo use (without a motor) the MacKenzie 16.5 is available with an optional rowing rig.
Load it up with 1300 lbs of gear and you will have 7” of freeboard. The 16.5 Mac Sport weighs just 68 lbs in Kevlar® allowing you to access spots inaccessible to larger, heavier aluminum car top boats. Motor, row or paddle it.
Note: Recommended motor shaft length is 15”
MacKenzie Sport Series – Speed Test
The table below details the speeds of the MacKenzie Sport models with varied loads and three different motors. The speeds were measured with a handheld GPS unit. All three motors used for this test were 10-20 years old. New motors would likely yield faster speeds.
Just wanted to thank you for the amazing boat. I took it on a 200 km solo back country trip in the Everglades. It averaged about 15 km/hr with a 2.5 Suzuki and used about 1 L of gas per 20 km against 40 km/hr winds and 1 meter seas. Everyone who I ran into was amazed at both it’s performance and versatility (ie. Rowing rig). Thanks!